Monday, January 23, 2012

Know what large indoor plants to buy so that your pets benefit as well.

Pictured above is Chloe, lounging under a pet-friendly Areca Palm. 

If you're in the market for some new larger houseplants to naturalize your indoor environment,  now is the time to visit your local garden centre.  Tropical plants go on sale in late winter to clear out old stock.  A little bit of care and proper sunlight can go a long way in helping these plants thrive.  The benefits that they provide to your health at home are immense. 

Although, if you have pets at home, keep in mind that your large plant options are actually quite limited.  Most Palm species will satisfy your all requirements for aesthetics, low maintenance, increased air quality and pet safety.  I highly recommend the following three species:

Areca Palm, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

Majesty Palm, Ravenea rivularis

Lady Palm, Rhapis excelsa

Poisonous houseplant databases:

Houseplant Benefits:

Sunday, January 15, 2012