Monday, April 30, 2012

A Leslieville Project

backyard before

backyard after

front yard before

front yard after

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

Be inspired this Sunday by what the world is doing collectively and make a difference in your own life today.

One of the best things you can do is learn how food is grown. Volunteer at or visit a local community garden.  It's a great opportunity to learn about local, organic food grown by knowledgeable, passionate gardeners.

One worth checking out is Riverdale Meadow Community Garden, at Broadview Ave/Danforth Ave.  In May, the two Sunday's before and after May 24, they are offering a must-see garden tour and cold-framing seminar.  $20 pre-registered gets you full access and tasty cold frame samples.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

An open letter from Dr. David Suzuki

David Suzuki released the attached letter on his blog yesterday to defend his reason for stepping down from his leadership post yesterday.  News 1130 identifies the corporate entity involved, 'Suzuki used the word bullying to describe how the government is trying to silence him for speaking out against Enbridge’s proposed $5.5-billion Northern Gateway Pipeline.'

Feed your awareness and support the David Suzuki Foundation by joining their newsletter and/or blog. They are at the international forefront of science based environmental support.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Free City Compost in Toronto every Saturday while supplies last

Almost all major cities have a municipal organic waste recycling program or green bin/yard waste program.  It's a community effort that starts with you.  Your food scraps and leaf bags are set aside, picked up, sorted and transformed into renewable means in the form of garden compost.  Nature's very own homemade, organic and sustainable resource, provided free-of-charge and hands down the best brand of fertilizer on the market for all of your plants both outdoor and indoor.  

Last Saturday was my first visit to the Scarborough transfer station to see first hand, what free-of-charge Toronto compost actually looked and felt like.  I was overly impressed with both the organization of distribution and the quality of the product.  

Compost is available every Saturday from April 10 to Oct 6 or until it basically runs out.  The general consensus of 'experienced compostees' is about the end of June.  I do however recommend highly, that you show up early.  Line ups can begin as early as 5 am, doors are at 7am and you can expect the heaps of compost completely dispersed by 8:30am.  

If you plan to give it a go, all you need is a flat shovel (a spade takes too long given the time constraint), some re-usable containers to collect the compost (pails, bins etc.) and a reliable mode of transportation to get the material to your destination.  The basic rule is to take as much as you can carry and as fast as you can shovel it into your containers.  

The site is largely unmonitored and self regulated by the participants, although the city recommends, 1 cubic yard per vehicle, which for the average size car, is more than you can carry for the next five Saturdays.  Happy Gardening.